Kategorie: Erkrankung
Hydroalcoholic olive leaf extract effectively reduces pain and improves physical functioning in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis
ScienceDirect Olivenextrakt Vollspektrum Olivenblattextrakt
The antioxidant potential of bacoside and its derivatives in Alzheimer’s disease
ScienceDirect Brahmi
The role of andrographolide as a potential anticancer agent against gastric cancer cell lines
PMC Daraus: Andrographolide gets attention for the treatment of gastric cancer due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, and anticancer role in various cancers including in melanoma, leukaemia, glioblastoma, breast, lung, oesophageal, colorectal, bladder, pancreatic, and liver cancer Kalmegh Extrakt Siehe auch: ScienceDirect
Natural products against tau hyperphosphorylation‐induced aggregates: Potential therapies for Alzheimer’s disease
Wiley Table 1 Baicalein Granatapfel Extrakt Olivenextrakt Vollspektrum Gotu Kola Extrakt Rhodiola rosea Extrakt Fisetin Quercetin
Exploring the therapeutic potential of dioscin and diosgenin in neurological disorders
ScienceDirect Image Wild Yams Viel Diosgenin ist auch in Bockshornkleesamen enthalten: Der Diosgeningehalt in Bockshornkleesamen liegt je nach Sorte und Samenqualität zwischen ∼ 0,42 % und 0,75 % Bockshornklee