Autor: ursula
Review of Pharmacological and Medicinal Uses of Punica granatum
PMC Daraus: Punicalagins are responsible for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which have protective aid in heart problems, cancer, urinary functions, brain, and prostate health. Granatapfel Extrakt
Zombiepilz wirkt gegen Krebs
ntv Heute wird der Cordyceps nicht mehr in lebenden Raupen kultiviert, sondern meist auf speziellen Substraten oder Nährlösungen gezüchtet. Also nicht mehr Zombie! Bio Cordyceps Extrakt
Simply crushed Zizyphi spinosi semen prevents neurodegenerative diseases and reverses age-related cognitive decline in mice
elifesciences Suan Zao Ren Die Samen lassen sich gut in dieser Kaffeemühle zu Pulver mahlen. Es handelt sich also nicht um die Samen von Da Zao
Colorectal Cancer and the Role of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine as Complementary Therapy
Pseudokrupp: Ein sehr sicher wirkendes Mittel bei Pseudokrupp ist Bryonia/Spongia comp., Weleda. Bryonia/Spongia comp.
Mangiferin: An effective agent against human malignancies
PMC Daraus: It possesses the ability to treat cancers, including rectal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, leukemia, gastric cancer, liver cancer, chronic pancreatitis, and lung cancer. Mangiferin has confirmed potential benefits in lung, cervical, breast, brain, and prostate cancers as well as leukemia Mangiferin
Flavonoids against depression
PMC Daraus: Our study proves the antidepressant potential of flavonoids, and considering the limited side effects, they can be used as complementary medicine for depressed patients.